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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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Registration system for courses and exams

For courses and exams, you have to register via u:find. The registration for courses with non-continuous assessment is not mandatory but recommended. You can find the registration deadlines in the respective courses in u:find.

During the registration period, you will be forwarded to the registration in u:space, by clicking on "Register/Deregister for this course". You need an active u:account and your admission must be valid to access the registration system.

The registration date within the registration period is not relevant to the allocation of places. Please note that your registration status should be “Registered” (Angemeldet) or “Allocation by registration deadline” (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist) for courses with continuous assessment. If your status is "Prerequisite currently not met" (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt) you have to meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline to get registered for the course.

For courses with continuous assessment the allocation process begins after the registration period has ended. Registrations are ranked according to the stipulations in the curricula (e.g. point system/preference system/study achievement system) and places allocated. Afterwards, you will be informed about whether you are “Registered” (Angemeldet), "On waiting list" (auf Warteliste) or if there is an "Alternative place available" (Alternativplatz verfügbar). If students deregister from a course, you possibly move up the waiting list. If you are on the waiting list, please attend the first unit of the course as there may be free places. If an Alternative place is available, you can accept or reject it within a defined deadline.

You can find detailed information about the registration procedure at the website of the course and exam registration system.

For further information about the registration for courses/exams, please contact the StudiesServiceUnit (SSS)/StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of your degree programme.

registration overview in u:space

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