University entrance exam

The university entrance exam is part of the general university entrance qualification (= secondary-school leaving certificate). It confirms that you are allowed to study in the issuing country. 

If you have completed your secondary-school leaving certificate in one of the following countries (= country of issuance) and apply for a bachelor/diploma programme, you require a proof of your university entrance exam. 

Required university entrance exams for admission to a degree programme at the University of Vienna

Country of issuanceUniversity entrance exam
ColombiaExamen de Estado para Ingreso a la Educación Superior
Republic of KoreaCollege Scholastic Ability Test
  • ÖSYS (admission to bachelor/diploma programmes, applies to Turkish citizens)
  • YÖS (admission to bachelor/diploma programmes, applies to citizens of countries other than Türkiye)

The proof of university entrance exam is not required, if you apply for admission to a bachelor/diploma programme with a higher education degree of at least three years from a post-secondary educational institution. The admission procedure depends on the issuing country of your secondary-school leaving certificate/higher education degree certificate.