Studying at the University of Vienna

 Studies and Teaching - News


Admission Office not available

On 6 and 13 February we are not available via telephone. Please use our contact form.


Start of the admission period

Complete the admission procedure for your degree programme until 31 March.

 Our next events

Online-Infovortrag Studienberechtigungsprüfung

Sie haben keine Reifeprüfung, wollen aber ein Bachelor- oder Diplomstudium beginnen?

Online info-presentation – Admission to master programmes

You are interested in a master programme with selection procedure? Attend our online info presentation on 12 February 2025!

Online info-presentation – Admission to bachelor programmes

You are interested in a bachelor/diploma programme at the University of Vienna? Attend our online info-presentations on 19 and 26 February 2025!