Proof of German language proficiency

For the admission to any bachelor, diploma or master programme instructed in German you must have a proof of German language proficiency.

General information about the German language proficiency

  • You need a proof of German language proficiency at level A2 when applying for admission.
  • In order to acquire level C1, which is required for the admission to all bachelor/diploma programmes instructed in German and most master programmes, you may participate in a German course of the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU).
  • While attending the VWU, you have to consider some things regarding your admission to the University of Vienna.
  • In case you apply for a bachelor/diploma programme with entrance exam procedure, you will be able to participate in the procedure even though you do not yet have an adequate proof of German language proficiency. However, you must have this proof at the time of enrolment. 
  • For the following master programmes, a proof of German language proficiency at level C1 or C2 is required for the application:It is not possible to attend a German course in the University Preparation Programme in order to be admitted to these master programmes.
  • In case you apply for a master programme instructed in English or the bachelor programme Mathematical Foundations of Data Science, you will not be able to attend a German course in the University Preparation Programme, as no proof of German language proficiency is required.
  • Applications for doctoral/PhD programmes are processed individually. It will then be decided whether knowledge of German is required or the degree programme can be completed in English language.
  • If your first language is German, you can upload a written declaration (an informal statement including date and signature) and use it as a proof of German language proficiency at level C1. In this case, a participation in the German course of the University Preparation Programme is not possible.