Degree programme expires, new admissions are no longer possible!

Information about the new master programme Sinophone Societies and Cultures follow soon!

Sinology (Master)

Traditional Chinese architecture towering above a lake.

© Heinz Christoph Steinhardt

Students of the master’s programme in Sinology acquire comprehensive advanced linguistic knowledge (of modern standard Chinese) and the ability to analyse complex questions about the development of China since the end of the imperial period, under consideration of Chinese-language material. The master’s programme enables students to carry out independent research on different topics in the areas of history and society, literature and culture as well as politics, law and economics, with particular focus on China since the end of the imperial period. Students also have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of teaching standard Chinese.

Master of Arts

Degree Programme Code: 066 811

4 semesters / 120 ECTS credits

Language: German

NO entrance examination


Facts & Figures

  • Students: n.a.
  • Graduates in the last academic year: n.a.
  • Number of semesters needed for graduation (median): n.a.

Data updated on: 20.07.2023

Information about presentation & calculation


Instruction Language German

Please note that the instruction language of this programme is German. To start the degree programme, you need to hold a certificate of German proficiency on C1 level.

Admission Procedure

Information about the admission procedure

Information on Previous Studies:

In any case eligible degree programmes at the University of Vienna:

Photo of modern and traditional Chinese architecture side by side.

© Christina Bazant-Kimmel

Study Programme

They can choose between a special emphasis on academic research and a special emphasis on teaching Chinese. The special emphasis on academic research consists of modules on the following subject areas: Advanced language acquisition; topics in Chinese studies (3 areas of specialisation: history and society, literature and culture, as well as politics, economics and law); advanced topics in Chinese studies; methods in Chinese studies; master’s thesis and master’s examination. The special emphasis on teaching Chinese consists of modules on the following subject areas: Advanced language acquisition; linguistics; topics in Chinese studies; subject-specific didactics; introduction to school education and theory of schooling; education; master’s thesis and master’s examination.

Five Concepts

which you will deal with during your studies:

  • Past and present politics and society ...
  • Visual and performing contemporary art ...
  • ... in Chinese-speaking countries (Sinophone)
  • Empirical China research
  • Foreign language didactics of Chinese

... and many more.

 Overview of the programme structure & topics

Here you find the current offer of courses for this programme to gain better insight into the topics and structure. For more information please click on the respective level.

After Graduation

Graduates who chose the emphasis on academic research can pursue a career in a wide range of occupational fields: transnational cultural work and education, tourism, mass media, diplomatic service, national and international organisations (development policy), research, bilateral economic relations, companies active in the Chinese cultural area and on the Chinese market, or consulting.

Graduates who chose the specialisation on teaching Chinese can pursue a career in the following occupational fields: teaching Chinese, teaching basic knowledge of Chinese culture and region.

Graduates' Perspective on the Degree Programme

Graduates ...

  • say that this degree programme receives the grade: 2.1 (good)
  • rate the level of difficulty as: 3.6 (high)

→ These results are based on feedback from 9 graduates.

*You can find further assessments of the degree programme from its graduates’ perspective in the graduate survey of the master's programme in Sinology (in German).