Equal status with EU/EEA citizens

You are admitted to a degree programme and your citizenship is from a non-EU/EEA country? Under certain conditions, you can be treated as equal to EU/EEA citizens regarding the tuition fee regulations. This means:  the same tuition fee regulations as for EU/EEA citizens apply. Equal status does not take effect automatically. You have to submit an application.

On this page you will find everything you need to know about equal status.

General information regarding equal status

  • Submit your application for equal status as soon as possible.
  • If you are granted equal status, the same tuition fee regulations as for EU/EEA citizens apply to you.
  • If your residence permit has a limited period of validity, this also applies to equal status. Apply for equal status as soon as you have received the extension of your residence permit.
  • We only accept the residence permits/reasons for equal status listed below.


  • For summer semester:
    until 31 March
  • For winter semester:
    until 31 October

Who can apply for equal status?

You can apply for equal status if you are admitted to a degree programme at the University of Vienna and:

  • have a residence permit accepted in Austria other than a "Aufenthaltsbewilligung - Student" or
  • you are a member of a group of persons according to the Decree on Groups of Persons (PersGV) or
  • are eligible for equal status according to international law (§ 91 para. 1 Universities Act 2002)

If you have a "Aufenthaltsbewilligung - Student", equal status is not attainable. Unless you also fulfil one of the other requirements (e.g. residence title "Daueraufenthalt - EU").


Your steps towards application for equal status

  1. Prepare your documents
    Scan the required documents and save them in high quality in JPG or PDF format.
  2. Submit your application
    Complete the online form in the Service Desk and attach the required supporting documents (at the top of the online form).
  3. Wait for a reply
    Each application is reviewed individually. Processing takes about two weeks. You will then receive an e-mail from the Admission Office to your u:account e-mail address.
  4. Pay the tuition/students' union fee
    If your application is approved, you will be subject to the same rules as students who are citizens of an EU/EEA country. This means that how much you will pay as your tuition fee, depends on your degree programme duration and tolerance semersters. All students must pay the Students' Union fee. Make sure to pay the fee within the payment deadline. Please note: If you do not pay on time, your studies will be automatically closed.



  • I have equal status. Why am I suddenly being charged with the tuition fee?
    • Option 1: Your residence permit had a limited period of validity and has expired. You must submit a new application for equal status as soon as you have received the extension of your residence permit.
    • Option 2: You have exceeded the planned duration of study and the two tolerance semesters. You must therefore now pay the same tuition fee as students who are nationals of an EU/EEA country. If you fulfill a waiver reason, you can apply for a waiver of the tuition fee.
  • I have the "Aufenthaltsbewilligung - Student". Can I be granted equal status?

    The "Aufenthaltsbewilligung - Student" on its own is not accepted proof of eligibility for the application for equal status.

    With the "Aufenthaltsbewilligung - Student" you can only be granted equal status if you:

    • additionally have one of the other accepted residence permits or
    • are eligible for equal status according to international law (§ 91 para. 1 UG 2002)
  • My application for equal status has been approved. When do I have to start paying?

    If your application for equal status has been approved, the same rules apply to you as for students who are nationals of an EU/EEA country. This means that the duration of your studies affects the amount of tuition fee. Your first semester is the semester in which you were first admitted to a degree program. It doesn't matter when you were granted equal status. The semester count does not restart.

  • I have already paid the tuition fee and have now been granted equal status. Will I get my money back?

    Yes, a reimbursement of the difference in fees is possible. To claim it, you must submit an application for reimbursement of the tuition fee.

    • If you are within the planned duration of studies and tolerance semesters, everything except the Student's Union fee can be refunded.
    • If you have exceeded the planned duration of studies and tolerance semester, you will only be refunded the difference. When applying for a reimbursement at the Service Desk, select the reimbursement reason "I have paid too much, so I am applying for a reimbursement of the difference".
  • Why do I have to submit the application again and again?

    If your residence permit has a limited period of validity, so does your equal status. You must therefore submit a new application when you extend your residence permit.