Web services
The University of Vienna offers a variety of tools for organising your studies. With your u:account all services are available. On this page your will find information about the most important functions of the web services that will accompany you from the first semester onwards:
u:space - the portal for your degree programme
u:space, the portal for the organisation of your studies, offers central access to all services that you will require during your studies.
- Apply for admission to a degree programme
- Order your u:card
- Pay your tuition fee/Students’ Union fee
- Register for/de-register from courses and examinations
- Check grades and academic progress in the record of examinations
- Download and print your study documents (transcript of records, confirmation of enrolment, student record sheet, etc.)
- Room details (room type, equipment, capacity, location of the rooms)
For information about registration and the application for admission to a degree programme, please watch our video tutorials in u:space.
u:find - course and staff directory
In u:find you can find all courses offered at the University of Vienna (organised according to semesters), as well as all university departments, units and employees.
Moodle - e-learning platform
Moodle is the e-learning platform used at the University of Vienna. You can check on u:find whether courses use Moodle or not.
- Register for Moodle courses
- Exchange between lecturers and students about courses (e.g. presentations, handouts, seminar papers)
For information about introductory training courses on using Moodle, please go to the website of the Vienna University Computer Center.
IT services for students
The Vienna University Computer Center (ZID) provides a wide range of IT services for students.
For more information on ...
- Webmail - e-mail services
- Zoom - video conferences
- Software and hardware for students
- IT courses
... please visit the website of the Vienna University Computer Center.