Admission to master programmes instructed in English

Information regarding the admission to master programmes without entrance exam procedure for prospective students who 

  • have completed a bachelor/diploma programme 
  • at another university/university of applied sciences.

Bild vom Hauptgebäude der Uni Wien

© Alex Schuppich

Please note:

  • You may only apply if
    • you have completed all ECTS prescribed in your degree programme and
    • you are no longer entitled to take exams at your previous educational institution anymore.
  • We accept a confirmation of your university about the completion of studies and your transcripts/diploma supplement.
  • You must hold an eligible higher education degree of at least three years from a post-secondary educational institution in the same discipline as the master programme you intend to study. 
  • Submit your complete application for admission as early as possible with easily legible high-quality scans of your documents.
  • The processing of your application is time-consuming. The processing of your residence permit (if required) by the Austrian embassy/consulate also takes time. Therefore it is in your own best interest to apply for admission as early as possible. You might only be able to complete the admission procedure in the semester after you have applied for admission.

 Deadlines and dates

EU/EEA/CH citizenship

The following deadlines apply for EU/EEA/CH citizens and groups of persons according to the Decree on Groups of Persons.

Winter semester 2024/25:

  • Application period: from 10 June to 5 September 2024
  • Admission period: from 11 July to 31 October 2024
  • Semester start: 1 October

Summer semester 2025:

  • Application period: from 11 November 2024 to 5 February 2025
  • Admission period: from 7 January to 31 March 2025
  • Semester start: 1 March

Schedule of the academic year

Non-EU/EEA citizenship

The following deadlines apply for citizens of non-EU/EEA countries.

Winter semester 2024/25:

  • Application period: from 10 June to 31 July 2024
  • Admission period: from 11 July to 31 October 2024
  • Semester start: 1 October

Summer semester 2025:

  • Application period: from 11 November 2024 to 8 January 2025
  • Admission period: from 7 January to 31 March 2025
  • Semester start: 1 March

Schedule of the academic year

 Required documents

For the registration in u:space

  • passport or personal ID card (front and back) as JPEG or PNG file

For the application for admission

You can find information regarding further requirements (e.g. qualitative admission requirements, language proficiency) on the overview page of the individual degree programme. Choose the appropriate degree programme at Admission > Master programmes to find the overview page. 

You do not need a proof of German language proficiency, if you apply for admission to a master programme instructed in English

 Your steps in the admission procedure

Step 1: Prepare the required documents

  1. Scan all required documents and save them in the appropriate format. Make sure that your files are easily readable and provided in high quality. 
  2. Merge multiple pages of the same document into one PDF file using an online tool of your choice (e.g. higher education degree certificate + transcripts/diploma supplement + legalisation + translation).

Prepare all required documents before the beginning of the application period. Thereby, you can apply for admission with complete documents as soon as the application period starts. 

Step 2: Apply for admission

  1. Create your u:account in u:space within the application period. Make sure to remember your login data. You will need your u:account during your studies. 
  2. Log into u:space to complete the registration and select the degree programme of your choice.
  3. Upload the required documents. 
  4. Check the summary to see if the data you have entered is correct (especially your e-mail address) and choose "submit application". 

When the status of your application is "submitted" in u:space > Studies > Apply for admission > My applications, the Admission Office can process your application.

Missing documents delay the processing of your application. Only submit your application once you have uploaded all required documents. 

 Registration in u:space

Step 3: Wait for the admission letter

After you have applied for admission, you have to wait for your admission letter. The review of your documents by the Admission Office takes several weeks. We cannot provide information regarding the status of your application due to organisational reasons. 

You will receive your admission letter via e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided in u:space. You can also find it in u:space > Personal matters > My documents. 

The admission can

  • be granted without any supplementary examinations. 
  • be granted with supplementary examinations from the bachelor programme (max. 30 ECTS), which you have to complete until the end of the second semester in the master programme at the latest. 
  • be rejected due to missing pertinence/qualitative admission requirements.

You will receive information regarding any supplementary examinations from the bachelor programme in your admission letter. These compensate fundamental subject-specific differences and stem from the relevant bachelor programme at the University of Vienna. You do not have to be admitted to the bachelor programme to take the "subject-specific" supplementary examinations, as you can only complete these exams after admission to the master programme. 

The admission letter is valid as long as there are no legal changes or changes in the curriculum that affect the admission procedure. If you are not able or willing to the start your studies in the semester you have applied for, e.g. because the semester has already started, admission in the following semester (or later) is possible. We recommend starting in the winter semester.

Having received the admission letter does not mean that you are already admitted to the degree programme, but rather that an admission to the degree programme you have applied for is possible. You still have to complete the admission procedure as described in step 4 and 5. 

Step 4: Admission to the degree programme

This is how you complete the admission procedure:

  1. Book an appointment for online first-time admission by using our appointment-booking tool.
    Detailed information on how to book an appointment
    As your identity needs to be verified, you have to complete this step in person. Representation by third parties is not possible.
  2. After the online appointment you will be preliminarily admitted to the degree programme. You will receive an e-mail with your student ID number and information regarding further steps.  

Step 5: Pay the tuition fee/Students' Union fee and order the u:card

Pay the tuition fee/Students’ Union fee after your appointment. The admission is complete as soon as the prescribed fee is "received" in u:space > Financial matters > Tuition fee/Students’ Union fee. Then you can also order and validate your student ID card, the u:card

You can also print your study documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment) in u:space > Personal matters > My documents. 

After admission you can plan your semester and register for courses. The registration deadlines are available in the course directory u:find as well as in u:space. 



  • How long is my admission letter valid?

    You admission letter remains valid as long as the degree programme is offered by the University of Vienna and as long as there are no fundamental changes in the curriculum.

    For master programmes with entrance exam procedure, the admission letter is valid for two semesters.

  • Can my exams from other programmes/other universities be recognised?

    You can submit an application for recognition of exams at the responsible StudiesServiceCenter/StudiesServiceUnit.

    The application for recognition of exams is only possible, after you have completed the admission to the degree programme for which you want to apply for recognition of exams. 

  • I have completed my previous degree programme in Pakistan. What do I have to keep in mind?

    If you have completed a bachelor programme in Pakistan, you have to fulfil the following criteria:

    • You have completed a bachelor programme with a duration of at least four years and
    • You have reached a CGPA of 2.5 or higher and
    • You have completed your degree programme at a recognised academic institution and
    • Your bachelor programme is closely related or equal to the master programme you want to study.
    • The Duration of the degree programme of four years must be fulfilled with one bachelor programme. You cannot be admitted if you completed two bachelor programmes of two years each.
    • You can only be admitted to a master programme if you fulfil all criteria.

    If you have completed a bachelor programme and a master programme in Pakistan, you have to fulfil the following criteria:

    • You have completed a bachelor programme with a duration of at least two years and
    • You have completed a master programme with a duration of at least two years and
    • You have reached a CGPA of 2.5 or higher for each programme and
    • Your degree programmes are closely related or equal to the master programme you are interested in and
    • You have completed both programmes at a recognised academic institution.
    • You can only be admitted to a master programme if you fulfil all criteria.

    Do not forget: All documents have to be diplomatically certified (i.e. legalised) first and then translated into German or English by an official, court-appointed translation agency. 

  • I have completed my previous degree programme in Afghanistan. Can I study at the University of Vienna?

    If you have only completed a bachelor programme in Afghanistan, you cannot be admitted to a master programme at the University of Vienna. The differences regarding the level of education are too large. Your application for admission will therefore be rejected.

  • What counts as proof of belonging to a group of persons according to the Decree on Groups of Persons?

    The required proof depends on which group of persons you belong to.

  • Do I have to upload a proof of belonging to a group of persons according to the Decree on Groups of Persons?

    You only have to upload the proof of belonging to a group of persons according to the Decree on Groups of Persons, if you submit your application for admission after the end of the application period for persons with citizenship from third countries.

  • I don't have my bachelor certificate yet. Can I already apply for admisison?

    You can only apply for admission after you have entirely completed your degree programme and have lost the entitlement to take exams. A confirmation of your university about the completion of studies in combination with your transcripts/diploma supplement is accepted.

    Confirmations that you will complete your degree programme cannot be accepted (only exception: master programmes with entrance exam procedure). Provisional transcripts cannot be accepted as well.

  • Can I apply for admission to a master programme already when I have to write the Bachelor thesis/Bachelor exam?

    Prerequisite for the application for admission to master programmes without entrance exam procedure is the completion of a bachelor/diploma programme. If you have not received your official higher education degree certificate yet, you can upload a confirmation by the university/college/university of applied sciences with a graduation date and the confirmation that you are no longer entitled to take exams.

  • I would like to apply for educational leave and need the admission letter.

    Please note that the processing of applications for admission may take several weeks. Take this into account, when choosing the time to apply for educational leave. A fast-track procedure is not possible under any circumstances.

    You can apply for admission, even if you have not received a confirmation of educational leave from your employer yet.

  • I started a degree programme at another university. Can I transfer to Vienna or, for example, join in the third semester/second year?

    A direct transfer is not possible. You have to apply for admission to the degree programme first. After you have received your admission letter, you have to complete the admission procedure. 

    Afterwards, you submit an application for recognition of exams in the StudiesServiceCenter(SSC)/StudiesServiceUnit (SSS) responsible for your degree programme.

  • May I submit the application with a certificate for German that is not in the list of accepted certificates?

    No, only language certificates listed as recognised proof of German language proficiency are accepted.

  • Can I submit the application with a certificate for English that is not in the list of accepted certificates?

    No, only language certificates listed as recognised proofs of English language proficiency are accepted.

  • I have completed a degree programme instructed in English, why do I have to upload a proof of English language proficiency in u:space?

    The system does not recognise, in which language a degree programme was completed. The proof of English language proficiency is a mandatory field that must be filled in for many master programmes. Please upload your Diploma Supplement, which shows the language of instruction or a confirmation from your university about the language of instruction, in the field "certificate of proficiency in English at level B2" or "certificate of proficiency in English at level C1".

  • Can I apply without the required legalisation (according to the issuing country)?

    No, you are obligated to fulfill the formal requirements. Only apply for admission once you have all required documents. 

  • Why do I need to upload an apostille/legalisation in u:space when my document is already legalised?

    The system does not recognise if the uploaded document is already legalised/legalised by apostille. Therefore, the notice field with a light bulb icon appears as a reminder.

  • Do I have to be admitted to be able to travel to Austria?

    If you hold a non-EU citizenship, contact the responsible Austrian representation (embassy/consulate), to inquire if you need a residence permit for Austria and how to enter the country. The Austrian representation will inform you about the required documents for your application for a residence permit.

  • I have finished a diploma programme. Now u:space asks me to upload a bachelor diploma - what am I supposed to do?

    The field "bachelor degree" is mandatory. Please upload a scan of your diploma certificate here.

  • I have received my admission letter, what do I need to do now? Am I already admitted to my programme?

    Receiving the admission letter does not mean that you are admitted yet. Please read the information regarding the required steps to complete the admission procedure as found in the e-mail in which you received your admission letter.

  • Can I be admitted for the current semester but start studying only in the next semester?

    By completing the online first-time admission and paying the tuition fee/Students' Union fee, you confirm your wish to be admitted in the current semester. If you do not want to be admitted until one of the following semesters, complete the admission procedure at a later date.

    The admission letter for master programmes without admission procedure is valid as long as the curriculum does not change. I.e. you do not have to be admitted in the semester for which you originally applied for admission.