Master programme in International Business Administration

Your steps in the admission procedure depend on whether you have completed your previous degree programme at the University of Vienna or another post-secondary educational institution.

In the Master Access Guide you can find out with which previous study programmes you may fulfil the prerequisites for admission to this master programme. 

 Multilingual degree programme

The languages of instruction in this degree programme are German and at least one more language.

Additional requirements

Qualitative admission requirements

The qualitative admission requirements are binding and determine which knowledge and competencies you must have to be admitted to this master programme. In the Master Access Guide, you can find out if, and with which previous degree programme an admission to this degree programme is possible, and if any further documents are required. 

English language proficiency at level B2

To be admitted to an English or multilingual master programme at the University of Vienna, you have to provide a proof of English language proficiency. 

To apply for admission to this degree programme, you require a proof of English language proficiency at level B2

Description of qualifications

To be admitted to the master programme in International Business Administration, you need previous knowledge relevant to the field. You may prove the required knowledge by completing the extension curricula "EC Business Administration: an Introduction" and "EC Business Administration: Methods" (only available in German). If you have completed the required ECs, upload your transcript of records at "Further documents and proofs" as document type "Description of qualifications" when applying for admission in u:space.

If you can not prove your previous knowledge by completing ECs, you have to provide a description of qualifications (form, PDF). This is a depiction of achievements that correspond to the required ECs, which you obtained before your application for admission. Save the form and fill it in. Attach the form when applying for admission in u:space at "Further documents and proofs" as document type "Description of qualifications".

Fill in the description of qualifications as follows: 

  1. Enter the title of the achievement 
    e.g. Introduction to Business Administration
  2. Enter the date, when you completed the achievement.
  3. Enter the ECTS, that you achieved thereby
    e.g. 4 ECTS. 
  4. State at which educational institution you completed the achievement
    e.g. Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
  5. Describe which qualifications you achieved thereby. Include which course from the ECs the achievement corresponds to
    e.g. corresponds to PM1 Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaft from the EC Betriebswirtschaftliche Grundlagen

You can find detailed information on the required previous knowledge in the curriculum and the Master Access Guide. Information about the achievements that are expected as part of completing the extension curricula is available at degree programmes > extension curricula.

Application and admission procedure