This degree programme will be offered for the first time in the winter semester 2025/26. Information on content will be added on an ongoing basis.
Mathematical Foundations of Data Science (Bachelor)
© Faculty of Mathematics
The English-taught Bachelor program «Mathematical Foundations of Data Science» equips students with an excellent foundation in mathematics, statistics, and programming as well as interdisciplinary skills so they can become tomorrow’s leading data-driven problem solvers.
Bachelor of Science
6 semesters / 180 ECTS Credits (including 15 ECTS credits of extension curricula)
Language: English
Draft curriculum in German - This curriculum will only enter into effect on 1 October 2025 after approval of the resolution of the Curricular Commission by the Senate and publication in the University Gazette.
Admission Procedure
Study programme
The curriculum is divided into three parts:
- Introductory and Orientation Period (StEOP), 16 ECTS Credits
- Further compulsory modules including Electives and Data Science Project, 149 ECTS Credits
- Elective module Applied Electives, 15 ECTS Credits
The parts contain the following modules:
- Introductory and Orientation Period (StEOP):
- Introduction to Mathematics in Data Science, 16 ECTS Credits
- Further compulsory modules:
- Foundations in Linear Algebra, 17 ECTS Credits
- Foundations in Analysis, 17 ECTS Credits
- Tools and Data Structures, 20 ECTS Credits
- Core Themes of Data Science, 25 ECTS Credits
- Probability and Statistics, 20 ECTS Credits
- Modelling and Computational Methods, 20 ECTS Credits
- Electives, 20 ECTS Credits
- Data Science Project, 10 ECTS Credits
- Elective module:
- Applied Electives, 15 ECTS Credits
Students complete either an extension curriculum totalling 15 ECTS credits, which must be completed in full, or the Applied Electives module.
Successful completion of the introductory and orientation phase is a prerequisite for completing the other modules. The following courses may also be completed without successfully completing the StEOP:
- UE Introduction to Linear Algebra, 2 ECTS, 1 SSt (pi)
- UE Introduction to Analysis, 2 ECTS, 1 SSt (pi)
Five concepts
which you will deal with during your studies:
- Analysis and algebra
- Machine learning
- Modeling in Data Science
- Probability and statistics
- Data analysis
... and many more.
After Graduation
Graduates of the Bachelor programme «Mathematical Foundations of Data Science» are experienced problem solvers who combine critical, analytical thinking with state-of-the-art methodological approaches. They are well-equipped to take on tomorrow's data-driven challenges. Graduates develop the ability to analyse complex data-based problems, create mathematical models and implement efficient solutions. Their in-depth knowledge of mathematics, statistics and programming, and interdisciplinary skills prepare them for leading roles in data science, machine learning and quantitative research, as well as for advanced academic degrees in related fields.
Master's Programmes
Graduates of the Bachelor programme «Mathematical Foundations of Data Science» may continue their academic journey at the University of Vienna, for example in: