Teacher Education: Bachelor & Master
Are you interested in the teacher education programme and do you want to become a classroom teacher? The teacher education programme for general secondary education in Vienna and Lower Austria offers you the possibility to choose your desired combination from 27 teaching subjects and one specialisation. In the teaching subjects/specialisation, you will acquire the subject-specific scientific and didactic knowledge. In the general principles of educational sciences (ABG), you will deal with questions about teaching, learning and teaching as a profession. The degree programme is complemented by pedagogical practical studies (PPS) which enable you to put your theoretical knowledge into practice (at schools of different school types).
The teacher education programme for general secondary education is divided into a bachelor's and a master's programme.
The minimum duration is 12 semesters (bachelor’s: 8 semesters, master’s: 4 semesters).
Depending on your interests, you choose two subjects (or a subject and a specialisation). If you would like to study a third subject, this is possible by doing a complementary degree programme.
© Universität Wien / Christoph Wannerer
Further information: (in German)
Bachelor of Education
Teacher Education for General Secondary Education of the association north-east
Degree Programme Code: 198 XXX XXX
8 Semesters / 240 ECTS Credits
Language: German
Master of Education
Teacher Education for General Secondary Education of the assocation north-east
Degree Programme Code: 199 XXX XXX
4 Semesters / 120 ECTS Credits
Language: German
Information about the admission procedure
General Curriculum Master Teacher Education (in German, 3rd amendment)
Study Programme
The bachelor’s programme consists of a combination of two subjects or a subject and a specialisation and the general educational basics as well as the pedagogical practical studies. Both teaching subjects, the specialisation and the general principles of educational sciences start with an introductory and orientation period.
Five Concepts
which you will deal with during your studies:
- Teaching & Learning
- Education & Socialisation
- Motivation
- Inclusion
- Heterogeneity
... and many more.
Overview of the programme
After Graduation
Graduates can work at
- (secondary) schools
- other educational institutions (e.g. further education providers, tutoring institutes, etc.)
- (textbook) publishers
- media (appropriate practical experience required)
- in various sectors, depending on the chosen subject
In order to receive a permanent contract at a secondary-school, the completion of the master's degree with the same subject combination is a prerequisite.