Studying and Living - Who can help me with ...?
Being a student ist more than attending lectures and preparing for exams - lending books, eating, sleeping and fun is also part of student life! We gathered info about services that can make student life easier here - of course, the list is far from complete, but we hope it helps!
Services of the University of Vienna
There are many services at the University of Vienna that provide help during your studies. Some of them are listed here:
- Admission Office: All administrative matters regarding the admission and continuation of degree programmes at the University of Vienna are solved here.
- Directorate of studies - Studienprogrammleitung (SPL): The director of studies plans the teaching offered in a particular degree programme, makes decisions in matters concerning study law and study organisation.
- StudiesServiceCenter (SSC)/StudiesServiceUnit (SSS): The SSC/SSS of each degree programme organises and coordinates the teaching and the exams offered in each degree programme. At the SSC/SSS office you get information about the contents of a degree programme, help in planning the semester and information for completing a degree programme.
- Center for Doctoral Studies: all info about Doctoral/PhD Programmes at the University of Vienna
- Postgraduate Center: The Postgraduate Center of the University of Vienna covers all affairs concerning postgraduate programmes.
- Vienna University Computer Center: The Computer Center is responsible for all technical matters of the University of Vienna such as free WiFi, computer rooms, your u:account, the u:book sales etc.
- University Library
- Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL): The CTL offers mentoring programmes for writing scientific papers and many other interesting lectures/info talks.
The University of Vienna newsfeeds always keep you well informed:
- Newsletter "School meets Uni" for pupils, teachers and all prospective students (available only in German)
An overview about the university communities is available here:
- #univie Communities
- Social Media Hub - up-to-date social media news of the University of Vienna
Study counselling
Some services cooperate closely with the University of Vienna and help in all matters regarding studying (for example planning the semester) and in matters concerning study law.
- Austrian National Union of Students (ÖH) - the legal representation of all students
- Students' Union (ÖH) of the University of Vienna
- Students' representatives of the respective degree programmes - students who themselves are studying the degree programme and assist you with any related questions
- Ombuds office for students - the Ombuds office assists you in legal issues (with the university)
There are numerous ways of financial support, however, many students still need to work beside studying. Bear in mind that your income may influence the scholarships you receive.
- Uniport - career service of the University of Vienna
- Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer - AK)- work contracts
- Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer - AK) - tax information
- Public Employment Service Austria (Arbeitsmarktservice - AMS) - working as a non-EU citizen
- Work in Austria - Austrian Business Agency
Study abroad
Study abroad
Students have several options to spend one or more semesters abroad. The International Office supports students in the realisation of this goal and manages mobility programmes.
- International Office - all info regarding the mobility/exchange programmes Erasmus+, Non-EU Student Exchange and others
Accessible Studying
© Universität Wien / Barbara Mair
Accessible Studying
"Team Barrierefrei" offers counselling and information related to studying and student life for students with a disability, impairment or disease.
© Universität Wien / Barbara Mair
The cafeterias offer reasonable meals. Everyone is allowed to eat there, a permit or special ID is not needed. To get meals even cheaper you can obtain the so-called "Mensenpickerl" at the Austrian National Union of Students (Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft - ÖH).
Apart from the cafeterias, students like to go to the numerous restaurants and cafés located around the main building where meals and snacks are relatively cheap.
- Cafeterias - good food for a reasonable price
- ÖH - Mensenpickerl - eat even cheaper
Financial Matters
Financial Matters
As long as you are studying at the University of Vienna you have to pay the fees according to your citizenship (in some cases only the Students' Union fee, in some cases more) every semester in time. The tuition fee depends on your citzenship and, for EU/EEA citizens, also on the duration of your studies.
There are several types of financial support available for students. Obtain information about allowances/grants for studying abroad in your home country. Student discounts can make life easier - at least in financial terms.
Students can get a health insurance for students, an exemption from radio/TV fees or reduced tickets for theaters, museums and cinemas.
- Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse (WGKK - Vienna Regional Health Insurance Fund)
- FeelSafe - Private Insurance for Students
- Radio/TV fees - ORF Beitrag (available in German, BCS, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Ukrainian)
State support is vital to many students. Information related to family allowance, study grant and housing assistance in available on the following websites:
- Family allowance - Federal Ministry for Family and Youth (available in German)
- Study grant - Austrian Study Grant Authority
- Maintenance grant - Austrian Study Grant Authority (available in German)
- Grant for studying abroad - Austrian Study Grant Authority (available in German)
- Housing assistance (available in German)
- Department for social affairs - ÖH (Austrian National Union of Students)
- Social funds - ÖH (Austrian National Union of Students)
The University of Vienna awards merit-based and need-based scholarships several times a year. Other institutions also provide financial support.
- Scholarship announcements (available in German)
- Bulletin of the University of Vienna (available in German)
- GRANTS database
- "AK-Wissenschaftspreis" - Science award of the Austrian Chamber of Labour (available in German
- "Stipendium für Bahnbrecher" - Scholarship for pioneers (available in German)
Scholarships of individual federal states
- Scholarship for scientific work granted by ÖGB (Austrian Federation of Trade Unions) (available in German)
- Graduation scholarship of the Study Grant Authority (available in German)
Students get reduced tickets for public transport and special offers for getting from A to B.
- Wiener Linien (Vienna transport authority)
- ÖBB (Austrian federal railways)
- Transportation in Vienna -
- City of Vienna: Parking in Vienna
- Travel allowance is granted by individual federal states, and to study grant recipients
Social institutions
© Universität Wien / Franz Pfluegl
Social institutions
In everyday life, students are sometimes faced with difficult situations. There are several institutions that provide support and assistance:
- Studying with a child
- Vienna University Children's Office (Kinderbüro)
- Information platform UniKid-UniCare Austria (available in German)
- University of Vienna Human Resources and Gender Equality - Reconciling work & family life
- Child care Vienna (available in German)
- wienXtra - Kinderinfo (available in German)
- Counselling Office Sexual Harassment and Bullying
The office is a point of first contact and central office for persons affected by sexual harassment and mobbing at the University of Vienna.
- Psychological Counseling Centers
The Psychological Counseling Centers offer support to students and applicants by using psychological and psychotherapeutical methods.
© Universität Wien /
You would like to learn a new language or improve your language skills? The Language Center (Sprachenzentrum) offers general as well as sicentific language courses at various levels in over 30 languages to (future) students of all disciplines, university staff and alumni.
You like sports? The University Sports Institute (Universitätssportinstitut - USI) offers a wide range of courses (from Aerobics to Zen Meditation) at reasonable prices to active students, alumni and university staff.
Unisport, which is organised by students, offers sports camps, courses and offers reduced membership cards for fitness centers
The Österreichischer Behindertensportverband (ÖBSV - Austrian Federation of Disability Sport) provides information about offers for persons with an impairment and, additionally, training and guidance in this field.
The SLS-program is offered together with the KADA association. It serves to support students who want to manage high-performance sports and studies at the same time.
© Universität Wien / Barbara Mair
The University of Vienna does not have its own student residence. The buildings that belong to the University of Vienna are situated in various places all around town, so there is no particular are that would be best living in. Accommodation is rather expensive, therefore student dormitories (which are run by private companies) or flat sharing are reasonable alternatives to renting a flat. We list a few sites to find accommodation, but the internet also offers many other useful websites:
- home4students
- OeAD student housing
- STUWO Student Housing
- Student dormitories in Vienna (available in German)
- Real estate platform (available in German)
- Online notice board of the Austrian National Union of Students (available in German)
- (available in German)