Co-registration at the University of Vienna

Are you studying at another Austrian university, but would like to complete individual courses at the University of Vienna? You can have these courses recognised at your home university by applying for co-registration. Don't forget to register for courses after your application has been approved.

Please note:

  • You cannot complete a degree programme at the University of Vienna as a co-registered student.
  • The co-registration has to be applied for each semester.
  • If you are enrolled in a Doctoral/PhD programme and want to co-register, please contact the Center for Doctoral Studies.

If you are studying at the University of Vienna and would like to take courses at another university, please contact the StudyServiceCentre (SSC) or the StudyServiceUnit (SSS) of your degree programme.

 Required Documents

You need the following documents as PDF files:

  • the pre-approval form (PDF)
  • the student record sheet of the current semester (the semester, in which you want to co-register)
  • your student ID card, valid passport or personal ID

 Application period

Summer semester 2025:

  • Application period: from 7 January to 31 March 2025
  • Semester start: 1 March

Winter semester 2025/26:

  • Application period: from 14 July to 31 Oktober 2025
  • Semester start: 1 October

Summer semester 2026:

  • Application period: from 7 January to 31 March 2026
  • Semester start: 1 March

Schedule of the academic year

How to apply for co-registration

Step 1: Create your u:account and register in u:space

  1. Create your u:account in u:space within the application period. Log into u:space and complete your registration. Make sure to remember your login data. You will need your u:account during your studies. 
  2. Pay the tuition fee/Students' Union fee at your home university. You need the current student record sheet of your home university.

Step 2: Submit the required documents

Submit all required documents as PDF files via the Service Desk of the University of Vienna.

You are exempted from pre-approval if one of the following conditions applies:

  • You are admitted to a Teacher Education Programme at the University of Applied Arts Vienna or the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
  • You are admitted to a degree programme that was jointly established by the University of Vienna and your home university.
  • You are admitted to a degree programme in cooperation with the University of Vienna ("Kooperationsstudium").

Step 3: Register for courses and exams

  1. It can take up to two weeks to process your application. As soon as your application has been approved, you will receive an e-mail notification. Please also check your spam folder if necessary.
  2. Afterwards you can register for courses and exams in u:find.
    • Registration periods may vary depending on the course and degree programme.
    • The admission does not guarantee a place in an ongoing course with continuous assessment.
    • Further information regarding  semester planning, registration for courses and exams, etc. is available on our website for study organisation.

Step 4: Order the u:card

As soon as the co-registration has been approved, you can order the u:card in u:space (Personal matters > My u:card). However, your u:card is not valid as a student ID card, but only as a library card.

You can also print your student documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment) in u:space > Personal matters > My documents. 

How do I continue my co-registration?

In order to continue your co-registration, submit the following documents 

  • the pre-approval form
  • the student record sheet of the current semester (the semester, in which you want to co-register)
  • your student ID card, valid passport or personal ID

as PDF files via the Service Desk of the University of Vienna within the above mentioned application period of the respective semester.

When is a co-registration not possible?

  • If you are already admitted to a degree programme at the University of Vienna. You can participate in courses of another degree programme and, if needed, get them recognised at another university.
  • If you study at a university of applied sciences.
  • If you study at a university college of teacher education - with the esception of the Teacher Education Programme for General Secondary Education in Vienna and Lower Austria
  • If you are a student of a non-Austrian university.
  • If you are admitted at a different university within a student mobility programme.
  • If you are a non-degree student at your home university.
  • If you are currently taking a leave of absence at a different university.
  • If you study at a private university.



  • Can I change my application for co-registration at a later date or submit another application for the same semester?

    You can only submit one application for co-registration per semester. Think carefully about which courses you would like to take. Once your application has been approved, you are responsible for registering for the courses and examinations. If there are any changes to the pre-approved courses during the semester, you must clarify this with your home university.

  • My co-registration has been confirmed. Am I automatically enrolled for the specified courses and examinations?

    No, you have to register for courses and exams in u:find. Please note that the registration period may vary depending on the course and degree programme.

  • Can I complete every course by co-registering?

    You can complete most courses and examinations by co-registering. However, sometimes there are certain requirements for participation in the course that you must fulfill. Find out in u:find whether you do. Please note: Co-registration does not guarantee a place in a course with continuous assessment.

    If you have any questions about registering for courses and examinations, please contact the respective StudiesServiceCenter (SSC)/StudiesServiceUnit(SSS).

  • The registration period for the course I would like to complete ends earlier than the application period for co-registration. What deadline do I have to meet?

    You can only register for a course once the co-registration has been approved. The processing period can take up to two weeks. You should therefore submit your application for co-registration in good time. 

  • When do I get access to the Moodle courses?

    First, wait for the approval of the co-enrolment. Afterwards, register for the desired course. Only then will you have access to the Moodle course. Please note that the course must be activated by a lecturer or tutor so that it is also accessible to students. It is up to the course instructor to decide when this happens.

  • Why do I need a signed pre-approval?

    The signed pre-approval allows your home university to check whether the selected courses can be recognised for your degree programme. Your home university will issue it if it is not possible to take certain examinations there (e.g. because the course is not offered there). Please contact your home university to find out which office is responsible for confirming your pre-approval.

  • Where can I find the student record sheet of the University of Vienna??

    You can download your student record sheet as soon as the co-registration has been approved. You can find the student record sheet in u:space > Personal matters > My documents.

  • What information can I find on the student record sheet?

    The student record sheet confirms the current status of all your studies at the University of Vienna. As you are co-registered at the University of Vienna, the degree programme code and the code letter of your home university will appear on the student record sheet.

  • Do I receive a library card when I co-register?

    Your u:card is your ID card for the University Library. You can order it in u:space > Personal matters > My u:card.