Studying in the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU): Bachelor/diploma programmes

You have applied for admission to a bachelor/diploma programme? Read what you have to keep in mind during your time at the VWU and your admission as non-degree student at the University of Vienna on these pages.

Please inform yourself about the VWU courses, costs and deadlines directly at the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities (VWU).

Good to know

Residence in Austria

Do you have any questions about your residence permit? Contact the responsible Austrian representation (embassy, consulate,…). You can find the contact information of all representations via the Austrian Foreign Ministry.

If you live in Vienna, the Immigration Office (MA 35) is responsible for your residence permit. If you live in another Austrian federal state, the district commission (Bezirkshauptmannschaft) is the responsible authority. You can ask all questions concerning this topic there.

Authorities usually demand your student documents (student record sheet and confirmation of enrolment). The student documents are available for download in u:space (Personal matters > My documents), after you have paid the course fee at the VWU and the Students’ Union fee when the latter appears as “received” in u:space.

Studying and living

The University of Vienna has compiled information regarding accommodation for students and working as a student. Special labour laws are in place for citizens of non-EU/EEA countries.

Do you need financial support? Our website provides information regarding scholarships.

Do you use public transport in Vienna? Please note: You cannot buy the semester ticket of the Wiener Linien while being admitted as non-degree student (= while attending the VWU). You have to buy another ticket (e. g. annual pass).

You do not have an Austrian health insurance? Detailed information regarding this topic is available at the Austrian health insurance fund (Österreichische Gesundheitskasse).

 Important note for students in the VWU

Once you have been admitted to the University Preparation Programme of the Vienna Universities as a non-degree student, only the supplementary examination in German (Ergänzungsprüfung Deutsch, EPD)  is accepted as a proof of German language proficiency! It is not possible to leave the preparation programme and take a German language exam elsewhere. Disregard may lead to severe consequences such as the loss of your residence permit.

Persons who have quit the VWU and have passed a different German language exam in the meanwhile can still take the supplementary examination in German (EPD).

Detailed information on the regulation

While you are admitted to the non-degree programme "attending the VWU" ("Besuch des Vorstudienlehrgangs"), you are only allowed to attend courses in the VWU and complete the prescribed supplementary examinations there. Taking exams from the degree programme is not allowed.