Prüfungsaktiv – examination activity – what does this mean?
Have you ever come across the phrase ‘prüfungsaktiv’ or ‘number of exams taken’ and wondered what it means?
In a nutshell:
Several years ago, a new university financing scheme was introduced in Austria. The Republic of Austria provides funding to the public universities and, thus, also funds a large part of your studies. The allocation of financial resources to universities in Austria is based on the number of students being 'prüfungsaktiv' i.e. students taking a certain number of exams at the relevant university. Bachelor’s, master’s and diploma programmes in which a student completes at least 16 ECTS credits or at least 8 SWS within the academic year are considered 'prüfungsaktiv'. In the academic year of 2020/2021, 53,000 students in total took a certain number of exams at the University of Vienna. The target to be achieved is set every three years between the ministry and the university.
Every ECTS credit counts: for you personally and for the University of Vienna
Taking exams and writing papers is part of studying. They contribute to your personal success and allow you to progress in your studies. If you take a certain number of exams in your degree programme(s), you also contribute to more funding being allocated to the University of Vienna for innovative research and high-quality teaching. Therefore, the University of Vienna strives to ensure that you pass many exams.
Your directors of studies, examiners and teachers regularly take measures that help you succeed in exams. How can you contribute?
- Make use of course offers during the summer to start into the next winter semester well prepared.
- Write (or complete) your seminar papers, bachelor's papers or your master’s thesis during the summer and agree on a schedule with your teachers/supervisors.
- Contact your SSC if you have problems progressing in your studies. For example,
- because not enough courses are offered;
- because of a lack of information about the examination requirements or exam dates or
- because of missing assessments (4 weeks after the exam).
- Contact your teachers if
- you lack feedback on your achievements to help you improve or
- you are stuck in writing your seminar paper or master's thesis.
- Read our tips about learning strategies.
Make use of these offers and plan your next exams.
FAQs about being 'prüfungsaktiv' (examination activity)
When are students ‘prüfungsaktiv’?
Students who obtain at least 16 ECTS credits in their degree programme per academic year have taken a certain number of exams and are thus considered 'prüfungaktiv’. This is relevant in bachelor’s, diploma and master's programmes. It does not apply to doctoral programmes. Only ECTS credits of courses passed are considered in the calculation. All degree programmes in which students take a certain number of exams are taken into account.
Do all earned ECTS credits count towards examination activity?
ECTS credits from recognitions are not taken into account for the calculation. For cooperative degree programmes, only the share of ECTS credits that counts towards examination activity at the University of Vienna is considered.
Why is the number of students who are ‘prüfungsaktiv’ (taking a certain number of exams) important?
The more students are ‘prüfungsaktiv’ in all their degree programmes, the more financial resources the University can use for research and teaching. In addition, evidence of having taking a certain number of exams can be a prerequisite for receiving financial aids, such as Austrian family allowance.
What is the difference between the minimum number of credits and the number of students taking a certain number of exams?
Minimum number of credits: 16 ECTS credits obtained within 4 semesters
For any bachelor’s and diploma programme to which you are admitted for the first time in the winter semester of 2022/2023 or later and for any bachelor’s and diploma programme that you resume at this time, you have to obtain a minimum number of credits. This means that students have to obtain 16 ECTS credits within the first four semesters.
Please note: If you do not obtain the minimum number of credits, the admission to the relevant degree programme expires. Further information about the minimum number of credits.Students being 'prüfungsaktiv', thus taking a certain number of exams: 16 ECTS credits within one academic year
The number of students being ‘prüfungsaktiv’ (taking a certain number of exams) has an effect on the university budget. If you do not take a certain number of exams, it does not have any consequences for you personally in terms of study law.
Are the performance requirements lower and the exams easier to ensure that students take a certain number of exams?esenkt und die Prüfungen leichter?
No. The performance requirements are not changed at all. Your performance continues to count.
What happens if I do not take a certain number of exams?
If you do not take a certain number of exams, it does not have any consequences for you personally in terms of study law. Students can have various reasons why they temporarily take fewer exams: gainful employment, family duties and care obligations.
- If you are not able to take exams for a certain time due to personal reasons, you can apply for a leave of absence.
- Also students enrolled in more than one degree programme often take fewer exams. If you no longer actively study one or several of your degree programmes, you can close the relevant degree programme.
- Please also notify the University if you discontinue exams or courses for an important reason. This gives other students the opportunity to take a spot on the course or in the exam.
Which support measures help me to be ‘prüfungsaktiv’ (take a certain number of exams)?
This is how you can progress in your studies:
- Plan your semester.
- Study continuously.
- Use the study materials on Moodle.
- Form study groups.
- Make us of tutorials.
- Take exams.
Make use of the services for students to achieve your goal. The University supports you by offering:
- In your first semester: STEOP mentoring
- Reflect on, and adapt, your own learning approach: Learning camp
- Improve your academic writing for paper or thesis: Writing mentoring, writing consultation
- Writing theses: research question camp, methods camp, writing days
- In selected fields of study: Peer Student-Counseling
- Helpful handouts and blog posts (german)
As usual, we keep you informed by e-mail, on the websites and via the social media channels of the University of Vienna.
Why are SWS sometimes displayed in u:space?
To be considered examination-active, you must achieve at least 16 ECTS credits or at least 8 SWS (semester hours per week). Some students see SWS instead of ECTS credits in u:space. This occurs when SWS are more beneficial for reaching examination activity status more quickly.