Registration for courses and examinations

The following page provides instructions on how to register for courses and exams. In order to register for courses and exams, you need an active u:account as well as a valid admission to a degree programme at the University of Vienna.

Registration for courses
Registration for exams





Registration for courses


  • Step 1: Check your curriculum and record of examinations

    You can find the record of examinations in u:space under the tab “Studies”. It is organised according to the structure of your curriculum.

    This way, you can see at a glance which courses you have already completed, which achievements you have to complete next and what requirements you have to fulfil for them.

    Attention: Please always check the curriculum of your degree programme. The record of examinations in u:space supports you in planning, but you have to select the correct study plan point yourself on the basis of your curriculum when registering for the course or exam.

  • Step 2: Select an achievement from your curriculum

    Search for modules for which you still have to complete courses (red and orange traffic light symbol) in your record of examinations in u:space. After that with the help of the record of examinations and by looking at your curriculum, determine for which curriculum point (module) you are still missing a course / exam.

    To find out which courses you can attend for the curriculum point you have not yet completed, either click on "Select courses and exams in u:find" at the book icon or search directly in the Course Directory u:find for courses suitable for the curriculum point.

  • Step 3: Select course in u:find

    Click on the courses available for completing the selected achievement in the Course Directory u:find. You will get detailed information about the course type, number of ECTS credits, registration and de-registration periods, course dates, contents, Moodle, lecturers, etc.

    If you click on “Register/Deregister for this course” you will be automatically forwarded to u:space where you can complete your registration.

  • Step 4: Register for a course

    You can only register for courses within the relevant registration period. Certain courses may have a limited number of study places. As long as you register within the relevant registration period, the exact moment of your registration has no influence on the allocation of study places (no “first come, first served” principle).

    If you have any questions about registration periods or the available number of study places, please contact the studies service center/studies service unit of your degree programme.


    • Registration for courses with non-continuous assessment (e.g. lectures):

    After Step 3: “Select course in u:find” you will be forwarded to u:space. Please select the respective degree programme and the respective curriculum point (module) for the course to be recognised and click on “Register”. Thereby the registration for the selected course is completed.


    • Registration for courses with continuous assessment (e.g. seminars, exercises):

    After Step 3: “Select course in u:find” you will be forwarded to u:space.

    Next, you have to select your degree programme, the respective curriculum point (module).  (If there are several curriculum points available, select the correct one as it is also listed in the Course Directory u:find. Otherwise your grade will be assigned to the wrong module in the record of examinations). Then select any preferred groups (parallel courses). For courses with a limited number of study places, you will have to allocate points/preferences. Click on “Register” to complete the registration.

    As soon as the registration period has ended, the system will allocate the places on the courses. Registrations are organised according to the specifications of the curricula (e.g. points system, preference system or study achievement system. Places will be allocated accordingly.

    Next, the status of your registration will be updated in u:space and you will receive an information e-mail on your u:account e-mail address. 

    Possible registration status before the allocation of study places:

    • Prerequisite currently not met (Voraussetzung noch nicht erfüllt)
    • Allocation by registration deadline (Zuteilung nach Anmeldefrist)

    Possible registration status after the allocation of study places:

    • Registered (angemeldet)
    • On waiting list (auf Warteliste)
    • Alternative place available (Alternativplatz verfügbar)
    • In process (in Bearbeitung)
    • Closed (geschlossen)
    • No place received (keinen Platz erhalten)

    The ABC of terminology provides further information on the registration status.


    You can find an overview of your registered courses under registration overview in u:space. The deregistration from a course is done via the registration overview.

 Registration deadlines winter semester 2024 (German only)

Registration for exams


  • Step 1: Search examination on u:find

    You can see the details about the exam (e.g. date, time, venue, examiner(s), alternative exam dates) on the Course Directory u:find.

    Click on “Register/Deregister for this exam”. You will be forwarded to u:space, where you can complete your registration.

    Please click on the following link if you need help in using u:find.

  • Step 2: Register for the examination

    You can only register for exams within the relevant registration period. You can check the registration period on u:find.

    In u:space you have to select your degree programme and the respective curriculum point (module). (If there are several curriculum points available, select the correct one as it is also listed in the Course Directory u:find. Otherwise your grade will be assigned to the wrong module in the record of examinations). Click on “Register” to complete the registration. Now, your registration has the registration status “Registered"(Angemeldet) in u:space.

    If you do not meet all the necessary requirements (e.g. examinations from the introductory and orientation period) for taking the exam, your registration status will be "Prerequisite currently not met". In the details you will find the missing requirements. In this case, you are not yet able to register for the exam. If you meet the requirements by the end of the registration deadline, your registration will be considered in the allocation process.

    For exams with limited number of participants each directorate of studies (in German: Studienprogrammleitung, SPL) determines how places are allocated in its degree programmes. Places are allocated using either the point allocation system, the preference system, or the study achievement system.

    In the registration overview in u:space you can deregister from the exam.

    If you have any questions about registration/de-registration, please contact the studies service center/studies service unit responsible for your degree programme.

ABC of terminology

Registering for exams