Additional exams
Apart from the general admission requirements, for some bachelor/diploma programmes you have to prove additional qualifications.
Bachelor/diploma degree programmes with additional exams
Subjects of the Teacher Education Programme with additional exams
For some degree programmes, an additional qualification in Latin has to be attained to gain admission. If you attended Latin at a secondary school for at least ten hours per week, the knowledge is taken as given. You have to prove this by means of your school transcripts during the online first-time admission.
- Prior to admission:
For some degree programmes, you have to prove your knowledge prior to admission. If you did not attend enough classes of Latin at school, you have to prove your knowledge by other means. Contact the Bildungsdirektion Wien about your options. - During the degree programme:
For some degree programmes, it is sufficient to pass the additional exam in Latin during the degree programme (in the case of diploma programmes during the first stage of the degree programme). The additional exam may not be the last exam of your degree programme (or first stage in case of diploma programmes).
If you do not have the required proof, the need to pass the additional exam will be specified during the admission procedure. This will be stated in your student record sheet.
The additional exam can be passed by using the offered courses of the Department for Classical Philology. You get all information at the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Philological and Cultural Studies.
For some degree programmes, an additional qualification in Greek has to be attained to gain admission. If you attended Greek at a secondary school after the 8th grade for at least ten hours per week, the knowledge is taken as given. You have to prove this by means of your school transcripts during the online first-time admission.
- Prior to admission:
For some degree programmes, you have to prove your knowledge prior to admission. If you did not attend enough classes of Greek at school, you have to prove your knowledge by other means. Contact the Bildungsdirektion Wien about your options. - During the degree programme:
For some degree programmes, it is sufficient to pass the additional exam in Greek during the degree programme (in the case of diploma programmes during the first stage of the degree programme). The additional exam may not be the last exam of your degree programme (or first stage in case of diploma programmes).
If you do not have the required proof, the need to pass the additional exam will be specified during the admission procedure. This will be stated in your student record sheet.
The additional exam can be passed by using the offered courses of the Department for Classical Philology. You get all information at the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Philological and Cultural Studies.
Descriptive Geometry
For the Teacher Education subject Descriptive Geometry, an additional qualification in Descriptive Geometry has to be attained prior to admission.
If you attended Descriptive Geometry at a secondary school for at least four hours per week, the knowledge is taken as given. You have to prove this by means of your school transcripts during the online first-time admission.
If you did not attend enough classes of Descriptive Geometry at school, you have to prove the additional exam by other means. Contact the Bildungsdirektion Wien about your options.
Sporting aptitude admission test
To gain admission to the bachelor programme Sport Science and the subject of instruction Sports and Physical Education you need to pass the sporting aptitude admission test prior to admission. For further information, please contact the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) Sport Science.
Further information
- Bildungsdirektion Wien (in German only)
- Institut für Klassische Philologie, Mittel- und Neulatein (in German only)
- StudienServiceCenter Sportwissenschaft (in German only)
I've already passed the additional exam in Latin/Greek, but it still shows up in my student record sheet. What am I supposed to do?
The completion of the additional exam in Latin or Greek should be registered automatically.
If your school reports prove that you have sufficient knowledge, this is done directly during the online first-time admission procedure. If you did not present the appropriate school reports at the Admission Office, you can send them via contact form. Please include your u:account e-mail address in your message.
In case you take the additional exam at the University of Vienna, the StudienServiceCenter (SSC) of the corresponding course will register your grade. If this does not happen, please contact them directly.
I'm already studying at the University of Vienna. May I pass the additional exam which is required for a different degree programme at the University of Vienna?
You are already studying at the University of Vienna and would like to start a second degree programme, for which Latin/Greek is required?
In this case, you can pass the additional exam in Latin/Greek at the University of Vienna if you have already completed the STEOP of your current degree programme.
The successful completion is a valid proof of the additional exam for the admission to another degree programme.
Where can I pass the additional exam outside of the University of Vienna?
If you have to meet the additional requirements prior to admission but cannot prove the corresponding knowledge by means of your school reports, you will have to take your additional exam outside of the University of Vienna.
Additional exams can be passed at a Bildungsdirektion in Austria.Please contact the School Board in charge.
In case you provide a proof of Latin or Greek by other means, contact the StudiesServiceCenter (SSC) of the Philological and Cultural Studies in order to clarify whether or not your proof will be accepted.