What is the ISU study café?

Sujet des ISU-Lerncafés: drei Hände halten je ein Buch zueinander gerichtet in die Mitte des Bildes

The ISU Learning Café of the Individual Study Support (ISU) serves to support and network students at the University of Vienna. The central idea is to create a space for the most efficient, community-orientated learning possible.

Specifically, the presence of others is to be utilised in the sense of body doubling. The concept of body doubling has proven to be an effective method for increasing concentration and productivity while learning through the presence of others.


Our new online sessions aim to offer these benefits in a virtual format so that you can participate from anywhere and benefit from the collective learning atmosphere.

What can you expect in the ISU-Study-Café?

  • Study  Space – on site and online
    • On site: Our traditional learning café remains a central meeting point for students who want to come together in a physical space. Here you will benefit from direct interaction with study guides and fellow students as well as access to appropriate study rooms in the NIG.
    • Online:
      For students who need flexibility or are unable to attend in person, we are opening up our virtual learning space. This allows you to immerse yourself in a productive, structured and collaborative learning environment regardless of your location.
  • Regularity and time structure: Fixed study times and planned breaks help you to develop and maintain a study rhythm.
  • Shared breaks: Short, shared breaks with other students not only promote social interaction, but also relaxation and motivation.
  • Learning support: Our experienced learning mentors are on hand to provide you with advice and support regarding learning planning and study organisation.

 Target group

The project is especially aimed at students of the University of Vienna who have motivation, concentration and/or attention difficulties


You can register for the dates via the freely accessible "ISU -Study-Café"-Moodle course!

Please note: There is a new Moodle course every semester for which you can register independently.

Pre-registration is always possible from the 20th of the previous month.

  • On site:
    Max. Number of participants: 12 people per date (first come first serve!)
    In the Moodle course you can see how many places are still available per date
  • Online:
    Unlimited number of participants; via BigBlueButton.
    Note: it is also possible to use the bunks in Student Space 1 for the online learning café. These can be booked independently on the CTL website.


If you have any questions, uncertainties or difficulties, please contact isu@univie.ac.at directly by email


On site: 
Student Space 1, 7th floor (former cafeteria)
Bunk 1-6 and CTL peer seminar room
New Institute Building (NIG), Universitätsstraße 7, 1010 Vienna

BigBlueButton via Moodle course


Mag. Christina Lipp
Accessible Studying Team
Coordination of Student Services 
Mail: isu@univie.ac.at