Sociology student, 26, hearing-impaired


Asking collegues or the course instructor - that usually works!

I am deaf and carry a cochlear implant. During my courses I use an FM-microport device, because the leccture halls are not equipped with induction loops. This way I can follow the lecture, but I can't take sufficient notes. Induction loops are only available in very few specific lecture halls at the Campus, in the Audimax and at the New Institute Building. However, as my courses aren't instructed there, I could not profit from the induction systems so far.

The project GESTU has helped me a lot, because it provides tutors taking notes for me. Otherwise, I just ask collegues for a copy of their notes or course instructors for their slides - that usually works!

This article was initially published on the "Team Barrierefrei" website. 

Zwei Hände, die ein Wort in der Gebärdensprache formen.