What does "ECTS" stand for?


You have heard that students must gain ECTS credits during their degree programme and wonder what exactly this is?

ECTS stands for "European Credit Transfer System". You collect these credits when completing courses and exams. Take for example a course of 5 ECTS credits: The number of ECTS credits is calculated from the effort that more or less is required in your course. 1 ECTS credit corresponds on average to a workload of 25 hours per semester. The workload includes the preparation, the course unit itself and the follow-up as well as the exam preparation.

One more detail: 
The "European Credit Transfer System" makes higher education within Europe more comparable. It aims at enabling students with a higher education degree from institution A to continue their higher education at institution B.

We wish you lots of succcess in your studies!

Darstellung wie der Arbeitsaufwand für die ECTS-Punkte berechnet wird.