Educational leave

Inform yourself about the options of studying during your educational leave ("Bildungskarenz"). Afterwards, decide which option is suited best for you. 

General information about the educational leave

  • The application for and admission to a degree programme are only possible within the application and admission period. This also applies if you only intend to attend individual courses. 
  • All degree programmes at the University of Vienna are full-time programmes. Part-time programmes are not offered. 
  • First, inform yourself about the educational leave at your employer and at the Austrian Public Employment Service ("Arbeitsmarktservice" - AMS). You do not have to present the approval for educational leave at the University of Vienna. Submit your application for admission as early as possible. 

Degree programme or non-degree programme?

You can be admitted to a degree programme or a non-degree programme. Please take note of the differences as well as the pros and cons of both options. 

Degree programmeNon-degree programme
You are admitted to a specific degree programme.

You are admitted to "attending individual courses" ("Besuch einzelner Lehrveranstaltungen"). 

You are bound to the admission procedure of the respective degree programme.

You only need your valid passport or personal ID card for admission. 

If applicable, you have to participate in the entrance exam/selection procedure

You do not have to participate in the entrance exam/selection procedure. 
The amount of the tuition fee/Students' Union fee depends on your citizenship and duration of studies. You pay the tuition fee and Students' Union fee, irrespective of your citizenship. 

With regard to courses, you are bound to the order determined in the curriculum (e.g. completing the STEOP). 

You are able to choose courses more freely. 

Students admitted to a degree programme are favoured in the allocation of course places. Therefore, you have better chances of obtaining a spot. 

Students admitted to degree programmes are favoured in the allocation of course places. It may well be that you do not obtain a spot. 
You can follow the recommend study path, complete a degree programme and graduate.  You are only allowed to take individual examinations/courses and must comply with the curriuclum's registration requirements. Furthermore, you are not allowed to take any public defenses. Graduating is not possible. 

You may be eligible to receive student discounts and financial assistance. Please inform yourself at the responsible authority in advance.

There might be restrictions/limitations when it comes to insurance, semester pass of the Wiener Linien, residence permit and financial assistance. Please make an inquiry at the responsible authority up front. 

Caution regarding negative examination attempts: These are also transferred when you switch from the non-degree to a degree programme. As a result, the number of possible examination attempts is reduced. If the last examination attempt is also graded negatively, you cannot be admitted to the degree programme. You will receive detailed information regarding this topic at the StudiesServiceCenter/StudiesServiceUnit of your degree programme. 

Bachelor/diploma or master programme?

Here you will find an overview of the different types of degree programmes. Also inform yourself about the range of bachelor/diploma and master programmes offered. 

Information on doctoral/PhD programmes is available at the Center for Doctoral Studies.

Bachelor/diploma programme

Master programme

  • 4 semester standard duration 
  • completion of post-secondary degree of at least three years required
  • subject-specific requirements for admission
  • if applicable proof of language proficiency required 
  • qualitative admission requirements prescribed in some degree programmes
  • selection procedure conducted in some degree programmes 

Admission to the (non-)degree programme

The application for and admission to a (non-)degree programme are only possible within the application and admission periods. Your steps in the admission procedure depend on the type of degree programme of your choice. 

If you have never been admitted at the University of Vienna, follow the steps for first-time admission. 

"Resumption of studies" means that you have already studied at the University of Vienna in the past. It does not matter if you want to resume a new degree programme or the programme you discontinued in the past. Follow the steps for resumption of studies.  



  • How much does studying cost?

    In a degree programme the amount of the tuition fee depends on your citizenship. If you are citizen of an EU/EEA country, also the duration of studies plays a role. 

    For a non-degree programme you pay 363,36 Euro plus Students' Union fee each semester. 

    Detailed information on the tuition fee

  • Which courses can I attend?

    The StudiesServiceCenter/StudisnServiceUnit of your degree programme can help you with this question. Details on the courses offered is available in the course directory (u:find)

    Inform yourself early on, if you are allowed to attend the courses of your choice. This may also vary, depending on if you are admitted to a non-degree or degree programme. 

    Information on the organisation of studies